Contribute your story to the V-Card Diaries here! Starred fields are mandatory, but more information will help others find your story more easily.
We'll send you 2 free Reusable V-Cards if you include your mailing address at the bottom of the form.

* name (any name you want, but please don't use "anonymous")

where are you from?

* age range (select one)

* what is your definition of virginity? (130 character maximum)
this will be tweeted anonymously at @vcarddiaries.

* tell us your story (500 words max):
this is the text that will appear on the site, so please include a bit about yourself, your thoughts about the concept of virginity, and the story you'd like to share.

* email address (we promise we will never share this with anyone)

mailing address to get your 2 free v-cards:

the fine print: Thanks so much for sharing your story with V-Card Diaries! By hitting the SUBMIT button, you grant Trixie Films non-exclusive rights to your submitted story. You understand that we may edit your story for length and clarity, and we're not obligated to publish it. We will always protect your anonymity, and never share your email information. Thank your for submitting!

about the v-card diaries

The V-Card Diaries is a crowd-sourced interactive story-sharing site where everyone can access and share stories about their sexual lives in total anonymity. The site was inspired by the many stories we received from people who have seen our documentary How To Lose Your Virginity or follow the blog. Join us in telling this collective story about becoming sexual - and in the radical act of speaking honestly about it. Get more information about this project here or contact Therese directly.

The site was initially developed in 2013 at the POV Hackathon by Therese Shechter, Steven Melendez, Ellice Litwak and Vanessa Joho. It was updated and relaunched in 2015 by Therese Shechter and Roopa Vasudevan.